
Note-taking rubric

Page history last edited by shahaye@... 14 years, 3 months ago

            Notetaking Rubric


Not there (N)

Working (W)

Meeting Expectations

Exceeding Expecations


Little to no relevant information presented in the article/video/podcast.

The student’s notes contain some of the relevant information presented in the article/video/podcast.

The student’s notes contain relevant information presented in the article/video/podcast and are organized in a way that captures the main ideas and any important supporting ideas (Who, What, Where, When, Why &How).

The student’s notes contain the relevant information presented in the article/video/podcast and are organized in a way that captures the main ideas and any important supporting ideas (Who, What, Where, When, Why & How). In addition, the format of the student’s notes make it easy to see the relationship among the information.


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