Just as in the American Constitution where there is a Bill of Rights, there is a basic set of rights extended to every digital citizen. Digital citizens have the right to privacy, free speech, etc. Basic digital rights must be addressed, discussed, and understood in the digital world. With these rights also come responsibilities as well. Users must help define how the technology is to be used in an appropriate manner. In a digital society these two areas must work together for everyone to be productive. Mike Ribble
Personal Learning Network
This is my Personal Learning Network as of July 10, 2009. This is a work in progress as I learn more about Century 21 teaching and learning tools. I hope to incorporate Twitter, and I belong to a Ning but I would like to create one soon. I'm hoping my students will share some cool tools and programs they are using, too. Sharon Hayes (Try Popplet )
PROMPT: Consider this assignment a before and after snapshot of your CyberIdentity. How do you connect, collaborate, create, collect and communicate today? How will you connect, collaborate, create, collect and communicate at the end of the unit? You will create a living document in Google documents and take a snapshot at the beginning of the course and at then at the end. Our wrapup will include a reflection on your learning.
READ: Bill of Rights (challenging!): A Digital Citizen's Bill of Rights by Tracy Westen & Area Madaras
Bill of Rights for Digital Natives by April Hope Wareham
FOSI's version: Children's Bill of Rights for the Internet
Has technology changed the definition of right and wrong?
Digital rights protection agency: Internet Rights Protection Initiative Launches
Internet rights -- UK: Civil Rights and Internet Regulation
Electronic Frontier foundation: Bloggers' Rights
The Guardian: Internet censorship: Big business of Net censorship
CNET News -- Headlines about digital freedom: Perspective: the farce behind digital freedom
Global Network Initiative
PBS Web License
Cyberbullying is an issue that falls under Rights and Responsibilities. Read the following and discuss how to teach this issue to the 5/6 with your partner(s).
What is Cyberbullying
Cyberbullying research
Cyberbullying study
Cyberbullying prevention tips and more
WATCH: Video on responsibilities of schools in 21st century: To meet the demands of a new age.
YouTube video on fair use
Watch video on Cyberbullying! You might want to check out their sites, too!
Digital Security Rights tool worries whistleblowers
Comments (1)
Stefanie Burl Blouin said
at 1:22 pm on Jul 10, 2009
I am impressed with how far you've come since we chatted about this assessment
this morning. WOW. Good for you. I like how you are modeling your own growth
by documenting your work in the PLN. This is a great tool to use with your students.
Nice work.
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