
Digital etiquette

Page history last edited by shahaye@... 13 years, 5 months ago

According to Mike Ribble, "Technology users often see this area as one of the most pressing problems when dealing with Digital Citizenship. We recognize inappropriate behavior when we see it, but before people use technology they do not learn digital etiquette (i.e., appropriate conduct).   Many people feel uncomfortable talking to others about their digital etiquette.  Often rules and regulations are created or the technology is simply banned to stop inappropriate use. It is not enough to create rules and policy, we must teach everyone to become responsible digital citizens in this new society."






PROMPT: Read, watch or listen to materials below and create a new WIKI page on The Rights and Responsibilities of Digital Citizens in terms of digital etiquette. Mike Ribble states: "It is not enough to create rules and policy, we must teach everyone to become responsible digital citizens in this new society." Do you agree or disagree and why or why not? How will you teach your audience to become responsible digital citizens?


READ: A Lesson in Cellphone etiquette?

Click on the link above for a lesson on when, where and what to be talking about in public. Below are some pointers from Let's Talk.com


http://www.letstalk.com/promo/unclecell/unclecell2.htm: Let's Talk.com Cell Phone Etiquette Guide


Article on cell phone etiquette: Survey fingers must-have mobile services



Netiquette according to Wikipedia 

Boston Public Library tips for students: Boston Public Library Netiquette for kids







* Flame war: Wikipedia article on Flaming (Internet)


* Email etiquette: Nine Golden Rules of email etiquette


* CBS News: Digital etiquette for the 21st century


* Social networking etiquette: Is it necessary?


New blog on digital etiquette: This article is for middle schoolers: Cell phone etiquette for kids


Wiki on etiquette


* Blogger's tips on digital etiquette (Twitter, Facebook, blogging and email): Etiquette in the age of Social Media


Video on cell phone etiquette by student


  YouTube plugin error













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