
Digital access

Page history last edited by shahaye@... 14 years, 3 months ago

"Technology need to be aware and support electronic access for everyone to create a foundation for Digital Citizenship. Digital exclusion of any kind does not enhance the growth of human beings in an electronic society. One gender should not have preferential treatment over another. Electronic access should not be determined by race, physical or mental challenges that prevent access to technology have to be overcome. Those in cities or towns with limited connectivity need to be addressed as well.  To become productive citizens, we need to be committed to equal digital access." Mike Ribble



PROMPT: Do we have digital equality in our school, our community, our state, our country, our world? If not, how do we ensure digital equality in terms of access?

READ: Kids address inequalities in digital access


Infinite Thinking blog posts on digital access


Burlington Free Press: Google's deal for super high speed for Burlington


NPR: Google goes "super fast"


Digital Divide?: Wireless internet use


What about a global Digital Divide?


Speed and the Digital Divide


Mobile Internet shrinks Digital Divide


BBC: How the Internet is changing the lives of people with disabilities


Who is using the Internet?



ACLU position on government Internet filters

YouTube plugin error



YouTube video on filter

YouTube plugin error


Set Limits on Kids

YouTube plugin error


Supreme Court hears arguments over filters in public libraries












Comments (1)

Diane Lemieux said

at 5:10 pm on Mar 27, 2010

I LOVE what you've done with your wiki- what a great resource for your school!!

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