
Company Policies

Page history last edited by PBworks 15 years, 7 months ago

PBworks is a great way to draft and distribute official company policies.  You can begin by creating a policies page and asking folks to contribute, then lock the page once you've settled on the official policies.


Remember, you can create your own customized version of any PBworks template simply by tagging that page with the keyword "template".  From then on, any user of your workspace will be able to use your page template.


PBworks Paid Time Off (PTO) Policy


Faking sick days to get extra time off is silly, so we're going to be using a "Paid Time Off" policy that incorporates both sick days and vacation days. No need to "call in sick" that way, just take a one-day vacation.

Vacation time will accrue to you at a speed proportional to your time at PBworks according to the schedule below:


1st year: 15 days PTO (10 hours / month)

2nd year: 20 days PTO (13.33 hours / month)

3rd year: 23 days PTO (15.33 hours / month)

4+ years: 25 days PTO (16.67 hours / month)


Official company holidays and company retreats, etc. will not count against your PTO.

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